Photo of organic cosmetics made with mucin, snail, spa stones and beautiful flowers on table

5 ways to stay younger

By the age of 30 and older, many people form their own way of life. They already know how to take care of themselves and have their own beauty routine, and maybe a shelf and a half-filled with skincare products. So it is natural to start to look for answers to the following questions as we age: how to stay young longer, how to preserve the youthful glow we already have, how to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines, etc.

However, the aging process does not depend on how many beauty products we put on our faces. Instead, it is related to hereditary factors, habitual lifestyle, ability to withstand stress, having proper nutrition, living in a good ecology, and other things. Therefore, this article will highlight the best and most effective ways to prolong youth, look attractive in every age and stay and look younger.

Photo of young woman with towels applying facial cream near mirror in bathroom

How to Look Younger Than Your Age

1. Have a healthy lifestyle: good night's sleep, eat well, do sports

  • Inadequate sleep provokes stress, causing the body to release more adrenaline and cortisol, the stress level hormones, into the bloodstream, which will bring on skin problems. As we catch some Zs, adrenaline and cortisol get low, and growth hormone activates instead. It helps regenerate, renew, and repair our skin and ensures a good rest for the whole body. Also, it may be a good idea to change the pillowcases from cotton to silk to prevent premature skin wrinkling and give you a fresh look.
  • Have you heard the phrase: "We are what we eat?" Food supplies our cells with the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the whole body. No multivitamin complex can replenish the lack of the right nutrients, so you may want to check what's on your plate first. Maybe you would like to add some healthy greens and legumes, replace red meat with white or introduce fish and seafood into your diet.
  • Drink plenty of fresh water. The skin needs fluid to maintain cell function. Without enough water, the epidermis loses its elasticity, the person seems tired and aged.
  • Aerobic exercise is great not only for toning muscles and burning fat but also for maintaining healthy skin. It is worth remembering that with intense physical exertion, active sweating occurs, which helps to release the toxins from the body.
Photo of handsome young man receiving herbal bag massage in spa salon

2. Refresh - cleanse - hydrate, but delicately

The skin must be cleansed carefully at all times. Gentle exfoliation promotes cell regeneration removes dirt, dust, and small dead skin particles. Unfortunately, a lot of people do the cleansing improperly without realizing it. We suggest following the following tips: 

  • Avoid touching the skin with dirty hands and disinfect any objects that come in contact with your face, often: cellphone, eyeglasses, etc. Also, do not stretch the skin while washing. Instead of rubbing your face with a towel, gently pat dry to remove excess moisture after washing.
  • Want to get younger-looking skin? Always remove the makeup before going to bed. Did you know the renewal processes take place during your beauty sleep? If you leave the makeup on, it will not happen. The skin stops breathing and eventually shows the signs of fatigue and haggardness.
  • When doing your beauty routine, refrain from using harsh scrubbing products or such products that contain alcohol. As a result, instead of looking fresh, the skin will get stressed, produce more oil, and appear dull. A face wash, tonic, serum, and other skincare should be mild and gentle. Instead of scrubbing for a vivid glow and a fresh look, try doing a clay-based face mask once a week. Your skin will thank you.
  • How can you keep your skin looking young? Use a moisturizer and eye cream that is right for your skin to restore skin balance. When going out, do not forget to apply the layer of sunscreen with SPF-40 level of protection or more.
Photo of happy couple enjoying facial treatment procedure in spa salon, above view

3. Do not ignore your face massage

How can you keep your face looking young? Massage your face regularly to improve skin tone, increase blood circulation, and restore elasticity. The procedures may be done quickly, even with your own hands and fingers, if you do not have special items such as rollers, sponges, and vibrating massagers. For the techniques you may search up online or seek a help of a professional. 

Photo of rose quartz gua sha tool, skin care product and flowers on white table

4. Choose only high-quality products to up your beauty game

Select and store your cosmetics carefully and properly. Look through your stuff and get rid of all the tubes and jars that do not match your skin type or are expired. For the products we recommend below, be strongly advised to seek the help of a cosmetologist to have a better outcome and avoid skincare mistakes.

  • Retinol products. Retinol prolongs the youthfulness of skin cells. When used, it has a cumulative effect, gradually filling in wrinkles.
  • Serums. Serums are concentrates of biologically active ingredients that can penetrate the skin deeply and work at the cellular level. They also enhance the effect of other skincare products and prevent the appearance of new predictable skin concerns.
  • Acids, such as AHA/BHA, for example, if you suffer from enlarged pores, pigmentation, or uneven skin tone. These are typical concerns when you are older than 30. For moisturizing purposes, choose hyaluronic acid. You can even use it twice a day as long as you're applying it to clean, damp skin, then locking it in with a moisturizer and face oil.
Photo of flat lay composition with body care products on white background

5. Have a positive attitude towards life

Want to look younger naturally? Perhaps, the most important thing is to stay young inside. A good mood transforms not only the skin but also the appearance. So, smile more often, love yourself, your body and face, rejoice every day. Go to new places and do the things that make you happy. Lead an active lifestyle. Fill your life with good people, positive emotions, vivid adventures, and you will seek the youth's secrets no more! 

The material is for informational purposes only. Please do not follow the methods blindly without getting professional health or medical advice first, especially if you have a medical condition or health concerns. 

Photo of young mother and her daughter with facial masks having fun in bathroom


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